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单词:retrospective [ˌretrəʊˈspektiv] adj (法律、裁判等)溯及既往的,有追溯效力的;回顾的 retrospective 与prospective 意思相对,也可以拼写成retroactive [ˌrɛtrəʊˈæktiv]
例文:[例13] The Parties mutually agree to terminate the Agreement to which they are a party with retroactive effect. 双方当事人相互同意溯及既往地终止它们作为其一方当事人的本协议。 [例14] The Parties agree that with retroactive effect from 22 September 2019 the first paragraph of Clause 9.03 of the Agreement shall be deleted and restated as follows: 双方当事人同意,自2019年9月22日起溯及既往地删除本协议第9.03条第一款,并将该款重述如下: [例15] The Fund will not request any rulings from the IRS or any tax opinion on the tax consequences described below or any issue. No assurances can be given that the positions taken by the Fund on its tax returns will be respected by the IRS or upheld by the courts and there can be no assurance that the applicable tax laws and regulations upon which these positions are based will not be changed in the future, possibly with retroactive effect to the Fund and the Limited Partners. 本基金不要求就下文描述的在税务方面的后果或者任何事务由国内税务署作出裁决或者求得任何税务意见。无法保证本基金就其纳税申报表采取的立场将会得到国内税务署尊重或者法院支持,也无法保证本基金采取上述立场所依据的税务法律法规今后不会发生变化并有可能对本基金和有限合伙人具有追溯效力。 [例16] Each Party to the Contract releases the other Party to that Contract from any and all of its obligations under that Contract with retroactive effect and shall not hold the other Party liable with regard to any and all of its obligations under that Contract. 合同的各方当事人溯及既往地豁免合同对方当事人在合同之下的一切义务,不得要求对方当事人对于其在合同之下的一切义务承担责任。
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