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单词:prospective [prəˈspɛktiv] adj. ① effective or operative in the future 将来生效或施行的 ② anticipated or expected; likely to come about 预期的;可能发生的
例文:[例1] Once a year, with prior written approval, XYZ may support up to 50% of the booth rental for international exhibitions held in the Distributor’s region that attract customers or prospective buyers from outside his area of responsibility. 每年,在事先征得XYZ书面批准的情况下,对于在经销商所在地区内举办的吸引来自经销商负责区域之外的客户或潜在买方的国际展览会,XYZ可以一次性赞助最多50%的摊位租金。 [例2] The value of the assets of the Borrower is less than its liabilities (taking into account contingent and prospective liabilities). 借款人的资产价值少于借款人的负债(将未定债务和预期债务考虑在内)。 [例3] In addition to the federal income tax consequences described above, prospective investors should consider potential state, local and foreign tax consequences of an investment in the Fund. 除上文描述的在联邦所得税方面的后果外,潜在投资人应当考虑对本基金进行的投资在州、地方以及外国税收方面可能产生的后果。 [例4] The majority notes that this litigation has persisted for many years, that petitioner has already graduated from another college, that UT’s policy may have changed over time, and that this case may offer little prospective guidance. 大多数法官注意到,这场诉讼已经持续了许多年,呈请人已经从另一所大学毕业,德州大学的政策可能随着时间推移而改变,而且这宗案件不会有多少前瞻性指导意义。 [例5] In the event of termination of this Agreement, neither party will be entitled to any compensation, damages, loss of profits or prospective profits, with respect to investments made or goodwill established during the term of this Agreement. 在终止本协议的情况下,对于本协议存续期间所作投资或者建立的商誉,当事人均无权获得补偿、损害赔偿金、受偿利润损失或者预期利润损失。 [例6] Two form documents have been developed for your use: (a) a form RFQ that can be used to send to the prospective equipment manufacturer, and (b) a form Equipment Purchase Agreement (“EPA”) for use in purchasing the equipment. 有两类表格文件可供使用:(a)《询价单》,可寄送给潜在的设备制造商;以及(b)《设备购买协议》,供购买设备时使用)。 注意区分与prospective词形相近的perspective:二者词性不同,prospective是形容词,perspective是名词,而且二者意思也不相同。 perspective [pɚˈspɛktiv] ① n[C] a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences = viewpoint 视角,看法;② n[U] 透视法 perspective的第一个义项“视角,看法”后面常搭配介词“on”。另外,perspective构成的下面两个词组也很重要: put something into perspective 客观地看待 get/keep sth in perspective 正确地看待 [例7] This girl’s death and the acquittal of the perpetrator gave the law-abiding members of the public a whole new perspective on crime and punishment. 这位姑娘的死和凶手被裁定无罪让守法良民对罪与罚有了全新的认识。 [例8] From a financial perspective, transfer pricing is probably the most important cross-border tax issue globally. 从财务的角度来看,转让定价大概是全世界最重要的跨境税务问题。 [例9] This target could be linked to those regarding social protection systems and could go beyond the indicator of income to provide a broader perspective on inequalities disproportionately affecting persons with albinism. 可以把这项具体目标与关系到社会保障体系的指标联系起来,而且可以不限于收入指标,以便更全面地反映出过大影响白化病患者的各种不平等现象。 [例10] This film seems to glamorize such villains as Professor James Moriarty because its screenplay is written from a criminal’s perspective. 这部影片似乎美化詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授这样的恶棍,因为它的剧本是从罪犯的视角创作的。 [例11] From a resource mobilization perspective, timely and active participation by UNESCO in needs assessments and in the early phase of planning for recovery and reconstruction is of critical importance as well as strong coordination between Headquarters and the Field on outreach to potential donors. 从筹措资金的角度来看,教科文组织及时和积极参加需求评估和恢复及重建规划的早期阶段,以及在总部与总部外办事处之间就动员潜在捐助者进行有力协调,具有至关重要的意义。 [例12] From a policy perspective, failure to tackle excessive interest payments to associated enterprises gives MNEs an advantage over purely domestic businesses which are unable to gain such tax advantages. 从政策的角度来看,不解决向关联企业过量支付利息的问题,跨国企业就比那些不能获得此类税收利益的纯粹国内企业具有优势。
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