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单词:principle [ˈprinsəpəl] ① n[C,U] a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave 行为准则,处事原则; ② n[C] the basic idea that a plan or system is based on 原则;③ n[C] a rule which explains the way something such as a machine works, or which explains a natural force in the universe 原理
in principle 基本上,原则上,大体上
principled (more principled, most principled) [ˈprinsəpəld] adj. ① 品德高尚的;② 依据道德准则的
unprincipled [ʌnˈprinsəpəld] adj. = unscrupulous 无耻的,品德败坏的
The Equipment shall be delivered in principle in complete set for each system element. 设备的交付原则上应当为每个系统元件的整套设备。
"GAAP" means United States generally accepted accounting principles and practices in effect from time to time applied consistently throughout the periods involved. “《通用会计准则》”是指在本协议存续期限内始终不时适用的美国现行的公认会计原则和惯例。
The same principle of local preferences will also govern the procurement of all goods and materials, ranging from that for construction to furnishing of finished townhome units. 从建筑材料到已完工连排别墅的装修材料,所有商品和材料的采购工作也需要遵守优先照顾本地企业的原则。
XYZ shall comply with the principles and requirements of the "Code of Conduct for SSS’ Suppliers" attached hereto as Annex V (hereinafter the “Code of Conduct”). XYZ应当遵守作为附件五附于本协议的“《SSS供货商行为规范》”所规定的各项原则和要求(以下称为“《行为规范》”)。
The notice and opportunity to remedy provision shall not apply to violations of requirements and principles regarding of the child labor as set out in the Code of Conduct or willful failures to comply with the Code of Conduct’s environmental protection requirements. 违反《行为规范》中关于禁止童工的要求和原则或者故意违反《行为规范》中关于环境保护的规定,则不适用上文关于通知和补救机会的规定。
Special modules are included that are geared toward understanding the medical and psychosocial complications of injection drug users and commercial sex workers, including the principles of harm reduction and the optimal use of methadone and buprenorphine. 收录了几个特别单元,包括降低有害性原则和适度使用美沙酮和丁丙诺啡原则,意在理解注射毒品者和商业性性工作者在医学和社会心理方面的并发症。
The computation of liabilities and expenses incurred in Exclusive Operations, including the liabilities and expenses of Operator for conducting such operations, shall be made in accordance with the principles set out in the Accounting Procedure attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 应当依照以附件A的形式附录于本协议的会计程序中阐述的诸项原则,计算专属作业中产生的债务和费用,包括作业人开展上述作业活动的债务和费用。
In any event, the transferring Investor shall obtain the prior written approval of the other Investors to the transfer to said party, after having demonstrated to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Investors, that said third party is a company of an acceptable technical and financial standing according to generally accepted oil and gas industry and financial principles. 在任何情况下,在令其他投资人合理满意地证明,依照公认油气行业和财务准则,第三方当事人是具备可以接受的技术和财务资格的公司之后,转让投资人应当征得其他投资人对于向第三人转让的事先书面同意。