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单词:proactive & reactive
索引词:proactive & reactive
例文:(1) proactive [prəʊˈæktiv] adj. making things happen or change rather than reacting to events 积极主动的 [例1] In a monitoring and intelligence gathering sense, this sort of structural approach can also enable more proactive analysis and action to deal quickly with emerging issues, such as unexpected falls in revenue from key industries or segment. 在监测和情报搜集的意义上,这种结构方法还能够实现更积极主动的分析和行动,从而迅速处理新出现的问题,比如关键行业或部门收入意外下降。 [例2] Internationally focused officers (including those familiar with the languages most used by international business) who meet routine business needs but are proactive, creative and adaptive to new ideas and challenges, seeing change as an opportunity. 关注国际事务的工作人员(包括那些熟悉国际企业最常用语言的工作人员)不仅满足企业例行需求,还积极进取、独具创意,适应新的思想和挑战,将变化视为机遇。 [例3] The Committee recommends proactive strategies and action to raise extrabudgetary funds and resources, and increased coordination between regular and extrabudgetary project activities. 委员会建议采取积极主动的策略和行动筹集预算外资金和资源,增进常规项目活动和预算外项目活动之间的协调。 [例4] The government of Japan would engage proactively to raise awareness of the problem of hate speech and the importance of embracing diversity with a view to establishing a society in which everyone’s human rights were respected. 为了建立一个每个人的人权都得到尊重的社会,日本政府将会积极主动地提高人们对于仇恨言论问题和接受多样性的重要意义的认识。 [例5] The Special Representative notes the need to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to the Office and its partners to enable an increased focus on mandated tasks such as awareness-raising, lessons learned, best practices and proactive engagement with regional and subregional organizations. 特别代表注意到必须确保为她的办公室及其伙伴提供充足的资源,这样才能对提高认识、总结经验教训、最佳做法及与区域和次区域组织积极交往等受托任务增进关注。
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