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单词:identify & identity
索引词:identify & identity
例文:identify [aiˈdɛntifai] v.t. 分辨出,认出,识别,确定
identification [aiˌdɛntifiˈkeiʃən] n[U]
identifiable [aiˌdentiˈfaiəbl] adj 能够辨认/识别的
identity [aiˈdentəti] n[U] 身分
UNCTAD could intensify its technical assistance, either from its trust funds on a demand- and needs-based basis or as a result of the beneficiary country having identified such needs as part of its national development plan or PRSP, and where the beneficiary had identified UNCTAD as its preferred implementing agency. 贸发会议可以强化其技术援助,技术援助可在需求或需要基础上从其信托基金中提供,也可以是由于受益国作为其国家发展计划或减贫战略文件的一部分查明了此种需要,并将贸发会议指明为首选执行机构。
This paper takes stock of recent trends in, and characteristics of, the existing universe of international investment agreements (IIAs), and identifies the most significant development-related challenges associated with the current investment regime. 本文件将评估目前国际投资协定大千世界的最新趋势和特征,并确定现有投资制度带来的与发展有关的最重要挑战。
Bills normally are submitted quarterly, monthly or at the conclusion of a matter. They identify the period and the matters covered, and may include, if the client desires, a description of the work covered by the fee. 本所通常按季度、按月份或者在完成一项事务时提交账单。账单标明收费所涉及的期间和事务,如果客户愿意,账单还可以对收费涉及的工作作出说明。
The application shall identify the question of law to be determined and, except where made with the agreement of all parties to the proceedings, shall state the grounds on which it is said that the question should be decided by the Court. 当事人提出的申请应当认定需要高等法院查明的法律问题,除取得仲裁程序全体当事人同意的申请外,申请还应当说明基于何种理由应当由高等法院查明该法律问题。