Article 467
For a contract not explicitly provided in this Code or other laws, the General Provisions of this Book shall be applied, and the provisions provided in this Book and other laws on a contract which is most similar to the said contact may be applied mutatis mutandis.
The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the contracts of Sino-foreign equity joint venture, contracts of Sino-foreign contractual joint venture, or contracts of Sino-foreign cooperation in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources that to be performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
我们可以看出joint venture大致是指一种经营方式,要根据具体语境判断它的含义,进而作出准确的翻译。另外,法律档经常用到enterprise这个词。enterprise也有企业、事业的意思。不过我们不能望文生义地认为joint enterprise就是joint venture的同义词。
参见《元照英美法词典》:joint enterprise
(4) 非商业性合营(企业)
布莱克法律词典的解释更为清楚。参见Black’s Law Dictionary (Eighth edition): joint enterprise. ① Criminal Law. An undertaking by two or more persons who set out to commit an offense they have conspired to. ② Torts. An undertaking by two or more persons with an equal right to direct and benefit from the endeavor, as a result of which one participant’s negligence may be imputed to the others. Also termed (in senses 1 & 2) common enterprise. ③ JOINT VENTURE. ④ A joint venture for noncommercial purposes.
由此可见,在英文法律件中读到joint enterprise这个词,我们不能想当然地认为它就是joint venture。
joint enterprise首先是指刑法中的“共谋犯罪”。还指侵权法上的“共同侵权行为”。joint enterprise的第三个义项与joint venture是同义词。joint enterprise的第四个义项是指非商业性质的合作。
Black’s Law Dictionary (Eighth edition)有一段引文对我们理解这两个词非常有帮助:
“A business relationship is needed for a joint venture but not for a joint enterprise. Thus, a joint enterprise may be defined as a non-commercial joint venture.”
46 Am. Jur. 2d Joint Venture §6, at 27 (1994).
也就是说,joint venture必须具备商业关系,joint enterprise则未必。由此,可以将joint enterprise定义为一种非商业的joint venture。