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单词:constitute & institute
索引词:constitute & institute
constitute [ˈkɒnstitjuːt] v.t. 构成,组成;是,被看作
constitution [ˌkɒnstiˈtjuːʃən] n[C] 宪法;章程;组成,构成;结构,构造;
constitutional [ˌkɒnstiˈtjuːʃənəl] adj. 符合宪法(或章程)的,宪法(或章程)规定的
constitutionally [ˌkɒnstiˈtjuːʃənəli] adv. 依照宪法(或章程)
constitutional monarchy n[C,U] 君主立宪制;君主立宪国
constitutionality [ˌkɒnstiˌtjuːʃəˈnæləti] n[U] 合宪
unconstitutional [ˌʌnˌkɒnstiˈtju:ʃənl] adj. 违反宪法的
unconstitutionality [ˌʌnkɒnstitju:ʃəˈnæləti] n[U] 违宪
Any Director or Alternate Director may participate in a meeting of the Directors or any committee of the Directors by means of conference telephone or other telecommunications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other speak and such participation in a meeting shall constitute being present in person at the meeting. 董事或替代董事可以借助使所有与会人能够听到对方发言的会议电话或者其他电信设备参加董事会议或任何董事委员会会议,董事或替代董事采用上述方式参加会议即为本人亲自出席会议。
The initial cost estimate should cover indirect costs such as security requirements, office furniture, and information technology equipment configuration, which do not constitute refurbishment or construction and are considered as associated costs. 初始成本估算应当包含间接开支,例如安保需要、办公家具以及信息技术设备配置,这些间接开支并不构成翻修或建造,但被视为相关成本。
The importance of including access to justice in the post-2015 development agenda is based precisely on the fact that access to justice constitutes a right that permits the fulfilment of other rights, be they civil, cultural, economic, political or social. 有必要将司法救助纳入2015年后发展议程,这恰恰是建立在这个事实基础之上,即司法救助构成了一项得以享有其他权利的权利,不论是公民、文化、经济、政治或社会权利。
The Supervisory Board shall be deemed to constitute a quorum if the members have been invited in writing or by cable under their last given address and not less than half the total members which it is required to comprise take part in the voting in person or by written vote. 如果已经按照监事最新提供的地址向监事会成员发送了书面或者电报邀请,而且所有必须出席会议的监事中有不少于半数的监事亲自或者通过书面方式参与表决,则应当视为监事会已经满足了法定人数的要求。
The environmental impact should be assessed and, on a case-by-case basis, specific arrangements to limit it should be envisaged. In any event this impact should not constitute a criterion for refusal of a marketing authorisation. 应当评估药品对环境的影响,并且应当根据具体情况设想限制环境影响的特定安排。无论属于何种情况,环境影响都不应当构成拒绝办理销售许可的一项标准。
According to the constitutional provisions (Art. 44 paragraph 1) family is based on the spouses’ free consent to marriage. The family code stipulates in art. 3 that marriage concluded before the civil status officer gives raise to the spouses rights and obligations provided for in the code. 根据宪法规定(第44条第1款),建立家庭的基础是配偶自愿同意结婚。《家庭法典》第3条规定,经婚姻登记官证明后缔结的婚姻赋予配偶该《法典》规定的权利和义务。
It is noted that the relevant legal environment for the proposed law may include (but not be limited to) the following constitutional and administrative laws: Constitution of the PRC, Law on Legislation, Administrative Litigation Law, Administrative Supervision Law, Administrative Reconsideration Law, State Civil Servant Provisional Regulations, State Compensation Law, Administrative Penalties Law, Administrative Compulsory Law. 需要注意的是,拟制定的法律的相关法律环境可以包括(但不限于)下列宪法性法律和行政性法律:《中华人民共和国宪法》、《立法法》、《行政诉讼法》、《行政监察法》、《行政复议法》、《国家公务员暂行条例》、《国家赔偿法》、《行政处罚法》、《行政强制法》。