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单词:lease [li:s] v.t. ① To grant the possession and use of (land, buildings, rooms, movable property, etc.) to another in return for rent or other consideration; ② To a lease of; to hold by a lease n[C] ① A contract by which a rightful possessor of real property conveys the right to use and occupy the property in exchange for consideration, usu. rent. The lease term can be for life, for a fixed period, or for a period terminable at will. ② Such a conveyance plus all covenants attached to it. ③ The written instrument memorializing such a conveyance and its covenants. Also termed lease agreement; lease contract. ④ The piece of real property so conveyed. ⑤ A contract by which the rightful possessor of personal property conveys the right to use that property in exchange for consideration. 根据《布莱克法律词典》的定义,我们可以看出动词lease包含出租和承租。名词lease指租赁这种法律关系,体现这种法律关系的文书(也就是租约)以及租赁关系的标的,而标的可以是动产,也可以是不动产。
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