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单词:charter [ˈtʃɑ:tə] v.t. & n[U] to hire or rent an airplane, ship, or other vessel 包租(交通工具) chartered [ˈtʃɑ:təd] adj. 包租的 注意:与其他表示租赁的词语相比,charter相对特殊,它的对象是飞机、船舶等交通工具,名词charter可以作为charter agreement 的同义语,表示租约。
例文:[例1] The Aircraft shall be properly equipped for the purposes for which it is being chartered. 飞机应按照包机目的妥善配齐人员设备。 [例2] The Carrier shall not advertise or otherwise make public that the Carrier is chartering aircraft or providing services to the UN, nor shall the Carrier, in any other manner whatsoever, use the name, emblem or official seal of the UN, or any abbreviation of the name of the UN in connection with its business or otherwise. 承运人不得刊登广告或以其他方式公开宣传承运人正在向联合国出租飞机或向联合国提供服务,也不得在与承运人业务有关联的情况下或在其他情况下,以无论其他何种方式使用联合国的名称、标志或公章或者使用联合国名称的缩写。 [例3] Nothing in or relating to this Charter Agreement shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the UN, including its subsidiary organs. 本租机协议中记载的或与本租机协议有关的任何内容,均不得视为明示或默示放弃联合国(包括其附属机构)的任何特权和豁免。 [例4] Any airline designated by either Party performing international charter air transportation originating in the territory of either Party, whether on a one-way or round-trip basis, shall have the option of complying with the charter laws, regulations, and rules either of its homeland or of the other Party. If a Party applies different rules, regulations, terms, conditions, or limitations to one or more of its airlines, or to airlines of different countries, each designated airline shall be subject to the least restrictive of such criteria. 由任何一方指定的航空公司执行从任何一方领土上起航的国际包机运输任务,无论采用单程形式还是往返形式,该航空公司都可以选择遵守本国或对方的包机法律、规章和规则。如果一方对本方的一个或多个航空公司或者对不同国家的航空公司适用不同的规则、规章、条款、条件或限制,每个被指定的航空公司应遵守限制最少的此类标准。 下面几个表示租赁的词语在法律文件中经常同时出现,我们先讲解这几个词汇,然后结合相关例句体会这些词语的用法。
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