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单词:subjugate, subrogate, supplicate & surrogate
索引词:subjugate, subrogate, supplicate & surrogate
例文:(1) subjugate [ˈsʌbdʒʊɡeit] v.t. 征服,使……屈服,使…臣服 subjugation [ˌsʌbdʒʊˈɡeiʃən] n[U] [例1] After the Peloponnesian War, Athenians, whose city used to be a beacon of hope for the whole Greece during the Greco-Persian Wars, became a subjugated people. 雅典人的城邦在希波战争期间曾经是全希腊的希望灯塔,伯罗奔尼撒战争过后,他们却成了臣服于人的民族。 [例2] During the Second Punic War, the Carthaginian soldiers led by Hannibal fought bravely against the subjugation by the Romans, but ultimately they were outwitted and outfought by the Roman army under the command of Scipio. 第二次布匿战争期间,汉尼拔率领的迦太基军队英勇抗击罗马人的征服企图,可是最终他们敌不过西庇阿指挥的罗马军队。 subjugate sb/sth to sth 使……服从于…… [例3] Parents have subjugated themselves to the urgent needs of their children---to buy a decent dwelling unit in this notoriously unlivable city. 父母克制自己,满足子女的迫切需求——在这座出了名地不宜居的城市买一套像样的住房。
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