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单词:statute [ˈstætʃuːt] n[C,U] ① A law passed by a legislative body; specifically, legislation enacted by any lawmaking body, including legislatures, administrative boards, and municipal courts. The term act is interchangeable as a synonym. 制定法,成文法规。
例文:在英美法中,statute专指由立法机关所制定的法律,表现为正式的法律文件,其制定机关不一定为议会或国会,例如在美国,联邦、州、市或县的立法机关均可制定。该词在使用时专指以立法的形式创设的法律,故与由法院判决所形成的判例法相对。 ② 规约。关于机构设置及其权限范围的国际性文件,例如:Statute of the International Court of Justice 《国际法院规约》。
statute of limitations n[C] ① A law that bars claims after a specified period; specifically, a statute establishing a time limit for suing in a civil case, based on the date when the claim accrued (as when the injury occurred or was discovered.) The purpose of such a statute is to require diligent prosecution of known claims, thereby providing finality and predictability in legal affairs and ensuring that claims will be resolved while evidence is reasonably available and fresh. 诉讼时效法。它以诉因形成(例如损害的发生或被发现)的日期为起点,确定当事人可以提起民事诉讼的时间期限。该制定法的目的在于要求当事人对已知的诉讼请求积极主张权利,从而为法律行为提供确定性和可预测性,并确保在证据尚未湮灭时能解决争议。 ② A statute establishing a time limit for prosecuting a crime, based on the date when the offense occurred. 追诉时效法。它以犯罪行为实施之日为基础,确定可以对某一犯罪行为提出指控的时间期限。
statute of repose A statute barring any suit that is brought after a specified time since the defendant acted (such as by designing or manufacturing a product), even if this period ends before the plaintiff has suffered a resulting injury. 除诉期间法。诉讼时效法〔statute of limitation〕本身即是除诉期间法,它们的目的均在于阻止当事人对失效请求权〔stale claim〕提出主张。除诉期间是一种比较少见的美国法律用语,其与通常的诉讼时效期间的区别在于:除诉期间与诉因的形成无关,其从某一特定事件的发生之日起计算,而不管诉因是否已经发生或是否已造成损害,例如规定自被告实施某一特定行为(例如制造产品或完成工作)之日起若干年后不得再行提起诉讼,即使原告的损害发生于该期限届满之后。诉讼时效期间则以诉因形成之日起计算,例如规定自原告遭受损害之日起经由某一特定时期而原告未起诉的,则不得再行起诉。
statutory [ˈstætʃʊtəri] adj. 与制定法相关的;法定的;符合制定法规定的;合法的
According to Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the statutory age of primary school attendance is six. 根据《中华人民共和国义务教育法》的规定,法定小学入学年龄为六周岁。