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单词:statue, stature & statute
索引词:statue, stature & statute
例文:(1) statue [ˈstætʃuː] n[C] 雕像,塑像 [例1] Hachikō Statue, which was erected in memory of a legendary dog in front of Shibuya Station, has become a landmark ever since. 忠犬八公像是为了纪念一条有传奇色彩的小狗而在涩谷站前树立的,它从此成了一座地标。 statuary [ˈstætʃʊəri] n[U] 雕像/塑像(总称) statuette [ˌstætʃuˈɛt] n[C] 小雕像/小塑像。例如:the Oscar statuette 奥斯卡金像 statuesque [ˌstætʃuˈɛsk] adj. large and beautiful in an impressive way, like a statue
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