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单词:spouse [spaus] n[C] 配偶(指丈夫或妻子)
spousal [ˈspauzəl] adj. 配偶的
According to the statements from female drug users themselves, they have become addicted to illicit substances because of the influence of their spouses. 据吸毒妇女本人的陈述,她们因受配偶影响而对非法药物上瘾。
That article 1494 of the Civil Code stipulates that a man can remarry 180 days after divorce or the death of a spouse, while a woman who is divorced or widowed has to wait 300 days; 《民法典》第一四九四条规定:男性在离婚后或配偶死亡后经过一百八十天即可再婚,而离异或守寡的妇女必须等待三百天方可再婚;
The legal protection against domestic violence had not been de facto available to former spouses or long-term partners that did not share a common household. 并未共同居住的前配偶或长期伙伴事实上不能获得抵制家庭暴力的法律保护。
Giving up one’s economic independence when starting a family with a spouse or registered partner can mean that a woman remains financially dependent on her ex-partner if the relationship ends, often living in poverty and reliant on benefits. 与配偶或登记伴侣成立家庭的时候放弃自己的经济独立会意味着如果家庭关系终止,妇女就要在经济上仰仗自己的前伴侣,以致她往往生活贫困,依赖救济。
Under article 317, paragraph 1 of the current Penal Code, if the victim of domestic abuse falls within the definition of the abuser’s ‘spouse’, the law treats this as an aggravating factor. 根据现行《刑法典》第317条第1款,如果家庭虐待的受害者按照定义属于施虐者的“配偶”,法律将这种情形视为加重情节。