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单词:pending & impending
索引词:pending & impending
pending [ˈpɛndiŋ] prep. while waiting for something, or until something happens: 等到……之后,直到……为止
pending adj. 将要发生的;待定的
“Trademarks” shall mean the trademarks whether registered or pending registration in the Peoples’ Republic of China (“PRC”); particulars of which are set out in the Schedule attached to this Agreement. “商标”指不论已在中华人民共和国(“中国”)境内注册的各种商标还是正在中国申请注册的各种商标;其细节均在本协议的附件中载明。
In the case of offences established in accordance with this Convention, each State Party shall take appropriate measures, in accordance with its domestic law and with due regard to the rights of the defence, to seek to ensure that conditions imposed in connection with decisions on release pending trial or appeal take into consideration the need to ensure the presence of the defendant at subsequent criminal proceedings. 就根据本公约确立的犯罪而言,各缔约国均应当根据本国法律并在适当尊重被告人权利的情况下采取适当措施,力求确保就判决前或者上诉期间释放的裁决所规定的条件已经考虑到确保被告人在其后的刑事诉讼中出庭的需要。
AAA and BBB agree to enter into any further documentation which may be necessary to give full effect to the matters agreed in this letter agreement. Pending the execution of further documentation, this letter agreement constitutes a binding agreement. AAA和BBB同意进一步签立必要的文件,使本协议书中约定的事项充分生效。在签立进一步的文件之前,本协议书构成具有约束力的协议。
The Court may order that any money payable under the award shall be brought into Court or otherwise secured pending the determination of the application or appeal, and may direct that the application or appeal be dismissed if the order is not complied with. 高等法院可以饬令在尚未审结申请或上诉期间将根据仲裁裁决应当支付的钱款上交高等法院提存或以其他方式为该款提供担保,如果申请人或上诉人不遵守该命令,则高等法院可以指示驳回申请或上诉。
Since the issues and the parties in the two sets of proceedings are not the same, there is no reason to stop the plaintiff from pursuing the claim in Hong Kong pending the wide-ranging disputes between multiple non-parties in the Mainland proceedings, which will inevitably be time-consuming and governed by Mainland law. 由于以上两宗诉讼程序的争点和当事人并不相同,而诸多非本案当事人借助内地诉讼程序解决它们之间的庞杂纠纷,难免迁延时日,又要受到内地法律约束,所以在上述纠纷审结之前,没有理由阻止本案原告人在香港提出诉讼请求。
This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereof under this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect during any arbitration proceedings, pending an award which shall determine whether and when termination of this Agreement may become effective. 本协议和双方当事人在本协议之下的权利义务在仲裁程序正在进行、尚未作出裁决期间应当保持充分的效力,仲裁裁决应当判定终止本协议的行为是否生效以及这种行为何时生效。