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单词:nominate [ˈnɒmineit] v.t. ① 提名,推荐;② 任命,指定
nomination [ˌnɒmiˈneiʃən] n[C,U]
nominee [ˌnɒmiˈni:] 被提名者;被任命或指定者
The Company irrevocably waives any objection which it might now or hereafter have to the courts referred to in Clause 26.1 (English Courts) being nominated as the forum to hear and determine any Proceedings and to settle any Disputes and agrees not to claim that any such court is not a convenient or appropriate forum. 对于第26.1条(英格兰法院)提到的被指定为审理和裁决任何法律程序以及解决争端的法院,公司不可撤销地放弃自己现在或者今后可能提出的异议,并且同意不会主张该法院并非方便或适当法院。
The appointing authority, or an arbitral or other institution or person by whom an arbitrator is appointed or nominated, shall not be liable, by reason only of having appointed or nominated him, for anything done or omitted by the arbitrator, his employees or agents in the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as arbitrator. 委任机关或者委任或指定仲裁员的仲裁机构或其他机构或个人,不得仅仅由于其委任或指定仲裁员,而对该仲裁员、该仲裁员的雇员或代理人在履行或据称是履行其作为仲裁员的职责过程中所完成或未完成的事情承担责任。
Directors shall serve for a period of three (3) years and shall be eligible for re-election. If a Shareholder ceases to hold Shares, it will procure the resignation of all the Director(s) nominated by it. 董事的任期为三(3)年,而且可以连选连任。如果某位股东不再持有股份,该股东应当保证它任命的所有董事辞去董事职务。
The reserve director shall be deemed to be a director of the Company in the event of the death of the director in respect of whom the reserve director is nominated until such time when another person is appointed as a director of the Company or the reserve director resigns from his office of director, whichever is the earlier. 如果提名候补董事的董事死亡,候补董事应当被视为公司的董事,候补董事任期截止于另外一人被任命为公司董事或者候补董事辞去董事职务之时,以最先发生的时间为截止时间。