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例文:implication [ˌimpliˈkeiʃən] n[C,U] 影响;指证;默示
A meeting of experts on the development implications of international investment rule-making was convened in Geneva (28–29 June 2007). Three challenges arising from the rapid proliferation, increasing complexity and diversity of IIAs – promoting policy coherence, balancing public and private interests, and enhancing the development dimension of IIAs for developing countries – were discussed at the meeting. 在日内瓦举行了关于国际投资规则制定所具有的发展影响的专家会议(2007年6月28日至29日)。会上讨论了国际投资协定的迅速增多、日益复杂以及多样化所产生的三项挑战,即促进政策的协调一致、平衡公共与私人利益、促进国际投资协定对发展中国家的影响。