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单词:facility & facilitate
索引词:facility & facilitate
例文:(1) facilitate [fəˈsiliteit] v.t. 有助于;促成,促进;便利;协助 [例1] To further enhance the quality of information collected and facilitate the process for States, the Secretariat also organized an expert group meeting in March 2007 to discuss the review of implementation, in particular information-gathering. 为了进一步提高所收集信息的质量并促进各国的信息收集工作,秘书处于2007年3月组织了一次专家组会议,讨论实施情况审查的问题,特别是信息收集问题。 [例2] To mobilize and facilitate the participation of United States private capital and skills in the economic and social development of less developed countries and areas, and countries in transition from nonmarket to market economies, thereby complementing the development assistance objectives of the United States, there is hereby created the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (hereinafter called the ‘‘Corporation’’), which shall be an agency of the United States under the policy guidance of the Secretary of State. 为了动员和方便美国私人资本和技艺参与不发达国家和地区以及从非市场经济向市场经济过渡的国家的经济和社会发展,从而补充美国的开发援助目标,特此设立海外私人投资公司(以下称为“海外私投公司”),该公司是美国的一个机构,接受国务院的政策指导。 [例3] The BORROWER undertakes to inform the BANK of the measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; and to facilitate any investigation that The BANK may make concerning any such act. 借款人承诺向银行通报借款人采取哪些措施就上述行为所造成的任何损失,向有关责任人员寻求损害赔偿;以及采取了哪些措施为银行可能对上述行为开展的任何调查创造便利条件。 [例4] Kyoto protocol sets flexibility mechanisms to facilitate the countries committed and obliged by the protocol to comply with the greenhouse gas emission reduction. These flexible mechanisms are the CDM- Clean Development Mechanism and the JI or Joint Implementation. 《京都议定书》确立了有助于承担减排义务的国家/地区遵守减少温室气体排放义务的灵活性机制。这些灵活性机制包括清洁发展机制(CDM)和联合执行机制(JI)。 [例5] Oversight by legislative/governing bodies, being the main stakeholders in capital/refurbishment/construction projects, should not be underestimated. It is essential that these major investments — for both the organizations and Member States — be closely monitored and that clear reporting mechanisms be established throughout their execution, that look at their progress and the achievement of expected benefits. Close oversight by governing bodies would escalate the importance of the project, provide better discipline and motivation on the part of senior management, and facilitate timely decision-making by governing bodies for a successful project. 作为基建/翻修/新建项目的主要利益攸关方,立法/理事机构的监督不应该被低估。必须对这些重大投资(对于各组织和会员国而言)进行密切监督,必须建立整个执行期内的明确报告机制,必须审查预期惠益的实现进度,这一点极其重要。理事机构的密切监督将会逐步提高项目的重要性,为高级管理层带来更好的纪律和动机,并且推动理事机构为项目取得成功做出及时决策。
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