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单词:devolve [diˈvɔlv] v.t.& v.i. [formal] To transfer (rights, duties, or powers) to another or to pass (rights, duties, or powers) by transmission or succession (财产、权利、责任)转移
sth devolve on/upon sb / devolve sth to sb 将……移交或下放给某人
devolution [ˌdiːvəˈluːʃən] n[C,U] The act or an instance of transferring one’s rights, duties, or powers to another; the passing of such rights, duties, or powers by transfer or succession.
The due diligence shall devolve upon a competent solicitor equipped with relevant expertise. 尽职调查任务由一名具备相关专长的称职律师负责。
Various government tasks, such as youth care, work and income and care of the elderly and long-term sick people have devolved to the municipal authorities, since they are closest to the people, and can provide customised services with less red tape and at lower cost. 由于市镇当局最贴近民众,能够以较少的繁文缛节和较低的成本提供个性化服务,政府的各项任务,例如关爱青少年、工作和收入以及护理老年人和长期患病者,已经被移交市镇当局。