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单词:undue [ʌnˈdjuː] adj. 过度的;不当的
unduly [ʌnˈdjuːli] adv.
Each State Party shall grant the body or bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of this article the necessary independence, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, to enable the body or bodies to carry out its or their functions effectively and free from any undue influence. 各缔约国均应当根据本国法律制度的基本原则,赋予本条第一款所述机构必要的独立性,使其能够有效地履行职能和免受任何不正当的影响。
If Documentation supplied by XYZ hereunder fails to conform to this warranty, XYZ shall provide new and warranty compliant versions of the Documentation to Ordering Entity or its Customers without undue delay. 如果XYZ根据本协议提交的文献不符合此项保证,XYZ应当向订货实体或者订货实体的客户提供新的和与保证相符的文献版本,不得无故拖延。