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 修辞立诚法律英语 修辞立诚法律英语 2023-07-10 09:19 发表于北京


Each Founder shall jointly and severally indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer, its Affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the “Buyer Indemnitees”), from and against any liability, damage, loss or expense (including reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit or proceeding whether including a Third Party Claim or a claim solely between the parties hereto and any diminution of value) (“Damages”) incurred by or imposed upon such Buyer Indemnitees, or any of them, in connection with any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments based upon, arising out of, or result from any of the following:  any misrepresentations or breach of warranty made by Either Founder in this Agreement,  any failure by Either Founder to perform any of its covenants or agreements hereunder or under the Employment Agreement applicable to such Either Founder or  any Excluded Liability; provided that (i) with respect to indemnification or breaches of representations and warranties (other than Fundamental Representations) made by Either Founder, the aggregate maximum liability of Either Founder shall not exceed the then remaining Escrow Amount and (ii) with respect to indemnification for breaches of Fundamental Representations, the aggregate maximum liability of Either Founder shall not exceed the Purchase Price.  


(一)jointly and severally 共同及各別

參見《元照英美法詞典》:joint and several liability  連帶責任


另見Black’s Law Dictionary (Eighth Edition): joint and several. adj.  (Of liability, responsibility, etc.) apportionable either among two or more parties or to only one or a few select members of the group, at the adversary’s discretion; together and in separation. 

(二)indemnify, defend and hold somebody harmless from and against something 對……給予彌償,使其免於承受……

(三)successor 繼任人







(四)heir 繼承人



嚴格地說,該詞僅指在無遺囑的情況下繼承遺產的人,而不包括根據遺囑繼承遺產的人。在更準確的意義上,1926年以前的英格蘭和1965年以前的蘇格蘭中,該法定繼承人僅指根據封建繼承規則〔feudal rule of succession〕有權繼承死者不動產的人,與繼承死者不動產的遺囑執行人〔executor〕或最近親者〔next-of-kin〕相對。而所謂的封建繼承規則,即以男性優先於女性、男性繼承人中的長子繼承製〔primogeniture〕以及代位繼承〔representation〕為基礎而確立的繼承規則。1925年後的《遺產管理法》〔Administration of Estates Act〕將之廢除,但對1926年以前使用「heir」一詞的,仍依其原義。該詞在美國也可指法定繼承人,因此,它與其他表示法定繼承人的詞,如「heir at law」或「legal heir」同義,通常,僅該詞即可表達法定繼承人的意思。一般而言,在某人尚生存期間,並沒有法定繼承人,但在英文中卻有若干術語對這種潛在的法定繼承人〔potential heirs〕進行分類,如期待法定繼承人〔expectant heir〕、將來法定繼承人〔prospective heir〕(包括推定法定繼承人〔heir presumptive〕和當然法定繼承人〔heir apparent〕)。


在廣泛意義上,指依遺囑或法律繼承死者財產的人〔successor〕。在大陸法上,該詞指概括繼承人〔universal successor〕,其中由遺囑所創設的繼承人稱為「遺囑繼承人」〔testamentary heir〕,無遺囑的最近親者〔next-of-kin〕則稱為「法定繼承人」〔heir at law〕或「無遺囑繼承人」〔heir by intestacy〕,而普通法中的遺囑執行人〔executor〕則在多方面對應於大陸法中的遺囑繼承人。



(五)assigns 受讓人 

根據《元照英美法詞典》的解釋,assign常用復數形式assigns,與assignee是同義詞。關於assignee,《元照英美法詞典》的釋義是:assignee 受讓人

指在財產、權利轉讓中接受轉讓的一方,其得到的權利不得優於轉讓人。該詞通常只指事實上的受讓人;不包括僅僅因法律的適用而享有權利的人,如繼承人、執行拍賣〔execution sale〕中的買方、遺囑信託的受託人等。依照美國《統一商法典》〔Uniform Commercial Code〕的規定,受讓人的權利應受賬目債務人〔account debtor〕對抗出讓人的所有抗辯或權利主張的約束。

(六)diminution of value 價值減損

參見《元照英美法詞典》:diminution in value  價值減損


(七)misrepresentation  失實陳述

參見《元照英美法詞典》:misrepresentation  虛假陳述


(八)breach of warranty   違反擔保 

參見《元照英美法詞典》:breach of warranty   違反擔保

1在英格蘭法中,與違反合同條件〔breach of condition〕相對,指違反合同的擔保條款,即合同一方當事人的行為未能達到合同擔保條款所規定的標準,該項擔保條款可以是普通法的或制定法的,也可以是明示的或默示的。合同的擔保條款不具有合同的根本特征,故對於違反擔保條款可以向法院起訴,但不得以此宣佈合同終止;2根據美國《統一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕,它是指違反就貨物的所有權、品質、數量等所作的明示或默示的擔保,可對之提起合同之訴;3在不動產法或保險法上,指錯誤或虛假地作出肯定性允諾或陳述,或對應由其履行的規定未予履行。

(九)escrow amount  託管金額


(1) 在條件實現前暫由第三者保管之物


(2) 在條件實現前暫由第三者保管


例句以連詞provided that為標誌,可以分成兩個部分,provided that之前是主句,provided that之後是表示轉折的條件句。

主句的主語是Each Founder。

謂語是shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless。 

jointly and severally是修飾謂語的狀語。

賓語是Buyer, its Affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the “Buyer Indemnitees”)。

against and from any liability, damage, loss or expense (including reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit or proceeding whether including a Third Party Claim or a claim solely between the parties hereto and any diminution of value) (“Damages”)是賓語補足語。其中,括弧內的內容是any liability, damage, loss or expense的同位語。

過去分詞短語incurred by or imposed upon such Buyer Indemnitees, or any of them和介詞短語in connection with any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments作為定語,修飾賓語補足語中介詞against and from的賓語any liability, damage, loss or expense。based upon, arising out of, or result from這三個分詞短語是作為any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments的定語。原文result from有誤,應當是resulting from。


中英文表述習慣不同,如果按照原文語序敘述譯文,會使譯文中的定語過長。由於原文要表述的是對於買方受償人遭受的某些不利後果,每一位創辦人承擔連帶賠償責任。原文有比較複雜的定語結構描述這些不利後果,其實是說這些不利後果滿足定語結構描述的條件,創辦人才承擔賠償責任。我們可以將原文的賓語“Buyer Indemnitees”(即買方受償人)提前,作為條件句的主語,將原文描述這些不利後果的幾個定語結構按照邏輯關係分解成幾個條件狀語從句,這樣既可以避免定語過長,又能夠比較清晰地表述邏輯關係。


就買方、買方關聯人和它們各自的董事、高級職員、雇員和代理人及它們各自的繼任人、繼承人和受讓人(以下簡稱“買方受償人”)而言,凡它們(或它們之中的任何人)招致的或加諸它們(或它們之中的任何人)的責任、損害、損失或費用(包括合理的調查費用和合理的律師費以及與任何訴訟相關的費用,無論是包括第三方訴求還是僅限本協議各方之間的訴求以及價值減損)(“損害”)是與訴求、訴訟、要求或判決有關,而該訴求、訴訟、要求或判決又以下列情形為基礎,由下列情形所引起或者導致,則每位創辦人承擔連帶責任,須對買方受償人給予賠償,使它們免於承受上述責任、損害、損失或費用:(一) 任何失實陳述或違反任何一位創辦人在本協議中作出的保證,(二) 任何一位創辦人不履行其根據本協議或根據適用于該創辦人的雇傭協議作出的承諾或協議,或 (三) 任何除外責任;但是 (一) 就任何一位創辦人違反陳述和保證(基本陳述除外)的情形而言,任何一位創辦人的最高賠償責任的總額不得超過當時剩餘的託管金額, (二) 就違反基本陳述的情形而言,任何一位創辦人的最高賠償責任的總額不得超過購買價格。

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