學習外語,莫外乎“熟能生巧”(practice makes perfect),每日背單詞做習題,究其本質也是一種條件反射式訓練。就詞彙學習來說,我們首先掌握詞彙的普通義項,進而根據興趣和專業,掌握詞彙的專門義項。在日常學習過程中,普通義項使用頻率高,我們的記憶最熟悉,聽到讀音、看到詞形,就會條件反射地想到詞彙的普通義項。這樣也容易先入為主,弄錯詞彙的真實意思。應當結合具體文意分析判斷詞彙的含義。
“Buyer’s knowledge”or“knowledge of Buyer”or similar phrase means the actual (but not constructive or imputed) knowledge of Brad Blackwell.
actual, constructive, imputed 這三個形容詞經常與knowledge連用。參見《元照英美法詞典》對它們的解釋:
actual knowledge 實際知悉
1指直接且清楚地知悉某種事實或狀況,與推定的知悉〔constructive knowledge〕相對;2指知曉某種信息或情況,而該信息或情況會使得一個有理性的人〔reasonable person〕對事實作進一步的探究或查詢。這種情形也稱為默示的實際知悉〔implied actual knowledge〕。這種知悉可替代及時、充分的實際通知〔actual notice〕。
constructive knowledge 推定知道;應當知道
指對於某人以合理的注意〔reasonable care〕即能瞭解的事實,法律推定其應該且已經瞭解該事實,不論其事實上是否知情。
imputed knowledge 推定知道
該用語有時相當於「默示通知」〔implied notice〕。指某人知道某一事實或某些事實,是因為根據當時的情況,任何一個具有一般常識的人都能知道或瞭解。也指某人有義務瞭解並有瞭解的途徑,從而推斷其知道。在代理法中,因代理關係的存在,代理人的知道也對被代理人產生拘束力。
根據詞典的解釋,constructive knowledge 和imputed knowledge都可以譯作“推定知道”。在例句中二者似乎又有區別。
查閱Black’s Law Dictionary, constructive knowledge的意思是Knowledge that one using reasonable care or diligence should have, and therefore that is attributed by law to a given person <the court held that the partners had constructive knowledge of the partnership agreement even though none of them had read it>.
imputed knowledge的意思是Knowledge attributed to a given person, esp. because of the person’s legal responsibility for another’s conduct <the principal’s imputed knowledge of its agent’s dealings>.
根據Black’s Law Dictionary的英文解釋,constructive knowledge 適用的法律關係較寬,而imputed knowledge適用於代理關係。二者的區別是否如此,敬俟通者解惑。
A director’s duty has been laid down as requiring him to act with such care as is reasonably to be expected from him, having regard to his knowledge and experience. He is, I think, not bound to bring any special qualifications to his office. He may undertake the management of a rubber company in complete ignorance of everything connected with rubber, without incurring responsibility for the mistakes which may result from such ignorance.
InRe Brazilian Rubber Plantations and Estates, Limited1911 1 Ch 425