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单词:institute [ˈinstitjuːt] v.t. to begin or start; commence 创立,开始,提起(诉讼等); n[C] 教研机构(例如:California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院)
institution [ˌinstiˈtjuːʃən] n[C] 机构;制度;n[U] 开创,设立,制定
institutional [ˌinstiˈtjuːʃənəl] adj. 机构的;制度的
institutionalize [ˌinstiˈtjuːʃənəˌlaiz] v.t. 将……送到收容机构;使……制度化
The Government is determined to strengthen solidarity and social cohesion, by instituting a more effective and more flexible coordination between the various social policies (covering women, children and families). 政府决定加强团结和社会凝聚力,在(针对妇女、儿童、家庭的)不同社会政策之间建立更为有效和灵活的协调关系。
“court”, for the purposes of sections 6, 7, 8, 11(1), 55, 56 and 57, means the High Court, District Court, Magistrate’s Court or any other court in which the proceedings referred to in those sections are instituted or heard. 第6条、第7条、第8条、第11(1)条、第55条、第56条和第57条所称“法院”是指高等法院,区法院,治安法院或者可以向其提起或可以由其审理前述各该条文中所称的程序的任何其他法院。
Of the 41 cases in which indictments were issued and court proceedings instituted, 24 led to convictions and 15 to acquittals. One indictment was considered to constitute a violation of Article 209 of the General Penal Code. 在41起发布起诉书和提起诉讼程序的案件中,24起被定罪,15起被宣判无罪。一项被起诉的罪行被认为触犯了《普通刑法典》第209条。
Full membership shall be restricted to state-supported development banks, financial institutions and government agencies and programs with strong interest in Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“MSMEs”) who meet established criteria as determined by the board of directors of the Corporation. 正式成员限于国家支持的开发银行、金融机构和政府机关以及对那些满足公司董事会确立的评判标准的微型、小型及中型企业(“中小企业”)具有浓厚兴趣的计划。
The law can be a powerful way of organizing and coordinating a health system. It principally achieves this by assigning responsibilities and powers to particular institutions and individuals, establishing restraints on power and legal protection of rights, and providing for implementation and enforcement mechanisms. These institutional arrangements should give effect to the imperatives of government stewardship described above, including effective and equitable governance across all levels of government and across public and private sectors. 法律可以作为组织和协调卫生体系的一种有力方式。法律主要是通过下列方式做到这一点:将责任和权力分配给特定的机构和个人,确立对权力的约束和对权利的法律保护,以及规定实施和强制执行机制。这些体制安排应当实现上文描述的政府管理要务,包括在各级政府以及整个公营和私营部门有效和公平施政。
In this context, the Special Rapporteur has always emphasized that respect for the rule of law is fundamental in any functioning democracy and that the independence of the justice system has a central role to play as the institutional guardian of the enforcement of the rule of law. Equal access to justice and equality before the courts and tribunals are human rights that are essential aspects of the rule of law. 在这个背景下,特别报告员一直强调,尊重法治对于任何运行中的民主都非常重要,司法系统的独立作为执行法治的体制监护人发挥着重要作用。平等诉诸法律的机会以及在法院和法庭面前平等是人权,而这个人权是法治的基本方面。
By this legislation it was intended the granting of financial aid to NGO’s with a view to improve the quality of social assistance services granted, as well as the increase of social solidarity by institutionalizing the partnership between the public administration and the civil society. 根据这部法律,为非政府组织提供财政援助的目的是提高社会援助服务的质量,并通过使公共管理机构和民间社会之间的伙伴关系实现制度化,增进社会团结。