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单词:comparative [kəmˈpærətiv] adj. 比较的,对比的;比较级的; n[C] 比较级
例文:[例8] This Comparative Table is provided for the convenience of users. It is not part of the Arbitration Act. 下面的对照表旨在方便使用者查考。该表不构成《仲裁法》的组成部分。 [例9] The Ministry has required that the report should provide a comparative study of the basic government procurement law, system and supervision and management of public procurement. 财政部要求这份报告应当对政府采购的基本法律、制度和公共采购监督管理进行比较研究。 [例10] UNODC further organized a regional legislative harmonization workshop for transposing the Firearms Protocol into national legislation, for countries of the Maghreb, held in Tunis in July 2017. Prior to the workshop, a preliminary assessment and comparative analysis of firearms legislation in States of the subregion was prepared by UNODC and presented to participants. 毒品和犯罪问题办公室进而于2017年1月在突尼斯为马格里布国家组织了一次关于将《枪支议定书》转换成国内立法的区域立法协调讲习班。在开办这次讲习班之前,毒品和犯罪问题办公室编写了一份该次区域诸国枪支立法的初步评估和比较分析并将其发给参加讲习班的学员。 [例11] The applicant submitted that the learned sentencing Judge fell into error on two discrete bases; first, by failing to take into account comparative sentences for like offences in determining the appropriate sentence to be imposed; and, secondly by failing to take into account and/or give any consideration, when imposing the maximum sentence permissible under the law, to relevant and applicable human rights instruments and precepts relating to the detention and imprisonment of detainees. 申请人呈述说,这位学识渊博的量刑法官在两个不同的基础上犯了错误;第一,在决定应判处的适当刑罚时,没有考虑同类罪行的比较量刑;第二,在判处法律允许的最高刑期时,没有考虑和/或顾及关涉羁押和监禁被羁押者的相关的和可适用的人权文书和准则。 [例12] We call on the WEF 2015 co-convenors, and in particular UNESCO, as well as on all partners, to individually and collectively support countries in implementing the Education 2030 agenda, by providing technical advice, national capacity development and financial support based on their respective mandates and comparative advantages, and building on complementarity. 我们呼吁2015年世界教育论坛的共同召集机构,特别是联合国教科文组织,以及所有合作伙伴,根据各自职责和比较优势并利用它们的互补性,通过提供技术咨询、培养国家能力以及提供财政支持,各自或共同地支持各国实施《2030年教育议程》。 comparatively [kəmˈpærətivli] adv. [例13] The comparatively low adherence status continues despite the periodically expressed invitation by the Conference to States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Firearms Protocol and to fully implement its provisions. 尽管缔约方会议定期促请尚未加入《枪支议定书》的国家考虑成为其缔约方并充分实施其规定,加入该议定书的状态仍然比较低。 [例14] Classes still proceed through dialogue. This is much appreciated by students, who year after year report extraordinarily high levels of satisfaction with the pedagogical dimension of their law school experience. Comparatively few, however, use what law schools traditionally called with some pride the "Socratic method." 授课仍然通过对话进行。学生们对此非常赞赏,他们年复一年地报告说对自己所上的法学院的教学特别满意。可是,较少有人采用法学院一直以来颇为自豪地称作“苏格拉底反诘法”的教学方法。
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