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单词:comparable & comparative
索引词:comparable & comparative
comparable [ˈkɔmpərəbl] adj. 可比较的,类似的,相当的
The amenities in this neighborhood is hardly comparable to those in London's Kensington and Chelsea, though their residential properties are comparably priced. 这个小区的生活设施几乎不能与伦敦的肯辛顿和切尔西相提并论,可是它们的住宅价格却不相上下。
In the event of damage to or loss of the Property through no fault of the Seller, the Seller may, subject to the prior consent by the Buyer, provide residential units of comparable size, location, and orientation to the Buyer. 倘若非因卖方过错发生物业受损或灭失,卖方在事先征得买方同意的情况下,可以为买方提供面积、地点和朝向相仿的住宅。
“Writing”, “written” and comparable terms refer to printing, typing and other means of reproducing words (including electronic media) in a visible form. “以书面(Writing)”、“书面(written)”和类似术语是指采用打印、打字和其他手段复制可见文字(包括电子媒介)。
The package of benefits provided by the employer for the retirees who are below age 65 is at least comparable to benefits provided under title XVIII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.). 雇主为65岁以下的退休人员提供的一揽子福利至少相当于根据《社会保障法》第18编(《美国法典》第42编第1395条及以下各条)提供的福利。
Prior to making a purchase of an item listed on the FPI Schedule, contracting officers are supposed to determine whether the item available from FPI is comparable in price, quality and delivery time to the supplies available from the private sector that best meet the needs of the procuring entity. 在采购联邦监狱产业公司计划表中所列的物品之前,负责签订合同的人员应当确定可以从联邦监狱产业公司购得的物品在价格、质量和交付时间方面是否与可以从私营部门购得的最能满足采购单位需求的物品相若。
Nevertheless, AAA may charge a marketing fee for its services where AAA can demonstrate that such fees are reasonable and/or customary for a given market area or class of service. Any such marketing fee shall be comparable to fees charged by or to non-affiliated entities. 然而,若AAA能够证明对于特定的市场区域或服务类别,收取营销费用合理且/或合乎习惯,AAA可以对其服务收取该费用。任何此类营销费用应与非关联实体收取的或向它们收取的费用相当。
incomparable [inˈkɔmprəbl] adj. 无与伦比的
incomparably [inˈkɔmpərəbli] adv.
Finding Nemo is, in their view, and not without good reason, incomparably better than Finding Dory. 在他们看来,《海底总动员》远远胜过《多莉去哪儿》,这么看不无道理。