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单词:cease, decease & predecease
索引词:cease, decease & predecease
例文:(1) cease [si:s] v.t. & v.i. 停止 [例1] The authority of an arbitrator shall cease upon his death. 仲裁员亡故时其职权即告终止。 [例2] The reconstitution of the arbitral tribunal shall not affect any right of a party to challenge the previous proceedings on any ground which had arisen before the arbitrator ceased to hold office. 重新组成仲裁庭不影响当事人享有根据仲裁员离任之前产生的理由针对先前的程序提出异议的权利。 [例3] The Company agrees that the process by which any Proceedings are begun in England may be served on it by being delivered to AAA at …, United Kingdom (Attention: Mr. BBB). If such appointment ceases to be effective the Company shall immediately appoint a further person in England to accept service of process on its behalf in England and, failing such appointment within 15 days, any Facility Agent shall be entitled to appoint such a person by notice to the Company. 公司同意,据以在英格兰提起诉讼的诉讼书状可以通过送交联合王国……的AAA(收件人:BBB先生)送达公司。如果上文指定的收件人不再有效,公司应当立即在英格兰指定其他人员代表公司在英格兰接收送达的诉讼书状,如果公司没有在十五日内指定有关人员,贷款事务代理人应当有权通过给予公司的通知,指定接收送达诉讼书状的人员。 [例4] Every member of the Foundation undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Foundation, in the event of its being wound up while such person is a member or within one year thereafter, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Foundation contracted before such person ceases to be a member and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required but not exceeding HK$ 100. 基金会的每一位成员承诺,如果基金会停业清理,此时他仍然是基金会的成员或者在终止成员身分后一年之内,他将向基金会的资产出资,用以偿还在他终止基金会成员身分之前,基金会所缔结的债务以及偿付停业清理的费用,并且用以在出资人之间调整他们的权利。可能要求的出资不得超过一百港元。
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