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单词:onus [ˈəunəs] n[C] = the responsibility for something 责任,义务
onus常构成这样的句式: the onus is on sb to do sth
The onus is on the landlord to ensure that the property is habitable. 房东有责任保证这个物业适宜居住。
The onus is on the prosecution to disprove this alibi. 检方有义务证明这项不在场证明不实。
onus probandi [ˈəunəs prəˈbændai]
onus probandi是拉丁文,常简写作onus,等于burden of proof,也就是我们翻译法律文件时经常用到的“证明责任”。
When this ground of appeal is considered is conjunction with Ground 4(e), the appellant contends that there has been a failure to fully explain the burden of proof such that the jury would have been labouring under the misconception that the Crown stood on an equal footing with the appellant and the issue was which of the competing cases (that of the Crown or of the appellant) was to be preferred. 当结合第四条理由的(e)段来考虑本条上诉理由时,本上诉人辩称,承审法官没有充分解释举证责任,于是陪审团就会受到这样的误解的影响,那就是公诉方与本上诉人处于平等的地位,而争点是陪审团愿意选择相互对立的案情(公诉方呈述的案情或本上诉人呈述的案情)中的哪一个案情。
It is a counsel of prudence to give a Liberato direction in most, if not all, cases. It is a sensible direction which further emphasises the standard and the burden of proof. 在大多数案件中(即便不是全部案件),作出Liberato指示乃是一项审慎原则。Liberato指示是一项进一步强调证明标准和证明责任的明智指示。
The Court admits that the burden of proof is on UT, ante, at 7, and that “a university bears a heavy burden in showing that it had not obtained the educational benefits of diversity before it turned to a race-conscious plan,” ante, at 13–14. 本庭承认,德州大学承担证明责任(见上文第七页),而且“一所大学承担艰巨的证明责任,需要证明多元化并没有让它在教育上获益,之后它采取了有种族意识的方案。”(见上文第十三至十四页)。
Rule 301 – Presumptions in Civil Cases Generally
In a civil case, unless a federal statute or these rules provide otherwise, the party against whom a presumption is directed has the burden of producing evidence to rebut the presumption. But this rule does not shift the burden of persuasion, which remains on the party who had it originally.
规则301 关于民事案件中推定的一般规定