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单词:waiver [ˈweivə] n[C] ① The voluntary relinquishment or abandonment---express or implied---of a legal right or advantage; forfeiture. The party alleged to have waived a right must have had both knowledge of the existing right and the intention of forgoing it. ② The instrument by which a person relinquishes or abandons a legal right or advantage. waive [ˈweiv] v.t. ① to abandon, renounce, or surrender (a claim, privilege, right, etc.); to give up (a right or claim) voluntarily. Ordinarily, to waive a right one must do it knowingly---with knowledge of the relevant facts. ② to refrain from insisting on (a strict rule, formality, etc.); to forgo. 上面是《布莱克法律词典》的解释,再来看看《元照英美法词典》对它们的解释: waive 放弃;放弃权利;弃权 waiver (1) 放弃;权利放弃;弃权。指故意或自愿抛弃其明知的权利,或实施可以推定其抛弃该等权利的行为,或放弃其有权要求实施的行为,或者其在享有法律规定或合同约定的权利并明知相关的重大事实时,作为或不作为与其权利要求相矛盾的行为。诸如对请求权、权利、特权的放弃,或者在受到他人的侵权或伤害后未对之提起请求,即是对法律规定的侵权行为补救权的放弃。放弃可以是明示的,也可以默示方式为之。例如,一承租人实施了违反租赁合同的行为,则依照法律规定出租人可以解除租赁,但出租人亦可以在明知违约事实后,通过明确承诺不行使解除权的方式或以接受租金的方式放弃其解除权。前一种方式即为明示的权利放弃;后一种则为默示的权利放弃。权利放弃是建立在衡平法原则之上的,但亦为普通法法院所承认。在本质上,权利放弃是一种单方行为,仅需一方当事人的行为即可完成并产生法律效力,而无需因之受益的相对方的任何行为。权利放弃与「不容否认」〔estoppel〕并非同义语,前者是指对明知权利的自愿或故意放弃;后者则是基于这样的原理:当某人实施某一行为或作出某一陈述后,他人对该行为或声明产生信赖并因之而实施行为,则公平和诚信原则要求该方当事人不得否认该行为或收回该声明。但有时这两者的区别又是模糊的。例如,在保险法中,不容否认的范围比权利放弃的范围要广,在某些情况下,甚至包括了权利放弃。如保险人放弃权利的,则根据不容否认原则,其不得在此后又主张该权利。权利放弃亦存在于其他法律中。例如,刑法中经常用于当事人对取得律师帮助权〔right to counsel〕的放弃(如,「米兰达警告」〔Miranda warning〕)或对刑事司法程序中的某一步骤的放弃,其核心在于每一当事人的自愿同意。在国际法中,经常用于对外交豁免权〔diplomatic immunity〕的放弃,该种放弃须以明示方式为之,并须经有关使团首脑的批准。各种权利放弃的具体内容参见各相关词条。 (2) 弃权证书;权利放弃证明。指某人据以放弃其法律权利或利益的书面文件。 在翻译法律文件,尤其是协议文本的时候,要结合具体语境传达出waive和waiver的意思,不以词害意。
例文:[例1] No waiver or amendment of any Proposed Terms shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Borrower and the Coordinating Arranger. 对于《拟议条款》的放弃或者修正,须经借款人和协调安排人以书面形式签字确认,方可发生效力。 [例2] Each Party irrevocably and unconditionally waives all claims, rights and remedies which but for this Clause it might otherwise have had in relation to any of the foregoing. 各方不可撤销和无条件地放弃若非因本条则其原本可以对前述任何一项享有的一切请求权、权利和救济。 [例3] Each party irrevocably waives any right it has to object to any legal process being brought in those courts including any claim that the process has been brought in an inconvenient forum or that those courts do not have jurisdiction. 各方不可撤销地放弃其享有的对在该等法院提起的法律程序表示异议的权利,包括放弃声言该法律程序是在不方便法院提起或者该法院无管辖权的任何主张。 [例4] The waiver by any Party to this Agreement of any breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant or condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. 本协议的任何当事人对于违反本协议载有的任何条款、契诺或条件的行为放弃追究,不应被视为放弃该条款、契诺或条件,也不应被视为对于此后违反本协议载有的相同条款、契诺或条件或者任何其他条款、契诺或条件的行为放弃追究。 [例5] No failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of any party hereto, any right or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver hereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy prevent any further or other exercise hereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. 本《协议》任何一方当事人未行使或者延误行使本《协议》项下任何权利或救济,不应作为放弃该权利或救济;单独行使或部分行使任何权利或救济,不妨碍进一步或者以其他方式行使该权利或救济,亦不妨碍行使其他权利或救济。 [例6] Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived, or the time for its performance may be extended, by the person or parties entitled to the benefit thereof. Any such waiver shall be validly and sufficiently given for the purposes of this Agreement if, as to any person, it is in writing signed by such person or an authorized representative of such person. The failure of any person hereto to enforce at any time any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of such provision, nor in any way to affect the validity of this Agreement or any part hereof or the right of any person thereafter to enforce each and every such provision. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be held to constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 凡有权获得本《协议》规定的利益的人或当事人,可以放弃本《协议》载明的条件或条文,或者可以延长履行本《协议》的时间。不论何人放弃上述条件或条文,如果采取书面形式并经此人或此人授权的代表签字,就本《协议》而言,才能有效而且充分完成对上述条件或条文的放弃。本《协议》的任何当事人在任何时候未执行本《协议》的任何条文,不应被解释为放弃该条文,也不会以任何方式影响到本《协议》或本《协议》任何部分的有效性,任何人此后执行本《协议》各该条文的权利亦不会因之受到影响。对违反本《协议》的行为不予追究,不应被认为构成对其他违约行为或后续违约行为不予追究。
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