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单词:up to 将近,最多。表示至多可以达到某一数额、程度、水平。
索引词:up to
例文:[例1] This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions upon which the Lender will make available to the Borrower a loan facility of up to USD 710,000 (the “Facility”). The Facility shall be applied towards general corporate purposes. 本协议列明多项条款及条件,贷款人将据此向借款人提供一笔最高额度为710,000美元的贷款(“约定贷款”)。约定贷款应当被用于实现一般公司目的。 [例2] Conventional oil royalties in Alberta are set by a single sliding rate formula containing separate elements that account for oil price and well production, with royalty rates ranging up to 50% and with rates capped when oil prices reach Cdn. $120 per barrel. 阿尔伯塔省的常规石油使用费按照一个单一浮动费率公式确定,这个公式含有不同的要素,分别代表石油的价格和油井的产量;使用费的费率最高可达百分之五十,当石油价格上涨到每桶一百二十加元时,就要限定费率的上限。 [例3] The provision gives victims undoubtedly increased protection since the police are able to arrest the offender right away in the beginning of the case and hold him for up to 24 hours or until formal decision has been made on an exclusion order and the ejection of the offender from the home. 上述规定无疑给予受害人更大保护,因为警察可以在案件发生伊始立即拘捕犯罪者,将其拘留最多二十四小时或者拘留到作出驱逐令的正式决定并将其逐出家宅为止。 [例4] If AAA is in material breach of any term of this letter agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, its obligations set out in paragraphs 8 and 9), then HRL may withdraw up to the entire amount deposited by a member of the HRL Group in the New Account (including any interest accrued on that amount). 如果AAA严重违反本协议的任何条款(为免生疑问,包括第8款和第9款中列明的它的义务),则BBB最多可以提取BBB集团的成员存入新账户的全部金额(包括该金额产生的任何利息)。
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