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单词:specialize [ˈspɛʃəlaiz] v.i. 专门从事/经营/研究
specialization [ˌspɛʃəlaiˈzeiʃən̩] n[C,U]
specialized [ˈspɛʃəlaizd] adj. 专门的;专业化的
For the solid wastes occurring during normal, abnormal and accidental operation, it is necessary to identify specialized service providers needed, their treatment methodology, licensing requirements and likely disposal locations. 对于正常、异常及意外作业过程中产生的固体废物,必须辨明所需要的专门服务提供者、它们的处理方法、特许要求以及可能的处理地点。
A definition of fissile materials is contained in article XX of the statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). So there is scope for negotiation and for expert input from IAEA and other institutions specialized in inorganic chemistry and nuclear physics. 《国际原子能机构(原子能机构)规约》第二十条载有裂变材料的定义。因此,原子能机构和其他专门研究无机化学和核物理的机构有开展谈判和提供专家意见的余地。
ISA interrogators are taught in detail about the relevant human rights conventions, including their direct implications in the unique Israeli context. This is done through specialized seminars, both during preliminary and ongoing ISA training, which aim to instill the importance of principles of human dignity and fundamental human rights, together with the upholding of the rule of law and practices stipulated by the courts. 以色列安全局向本局的审讯人员详细讲解相关的人权公约,包括它们在以色列独特的背景下产生的直接影响。这项任务是在以色列安全局的初步培训和不间断培训期间通过专门研讨会完成的,其目的是逐渐灌输人类尊严和基本人权原则以及维护法治和法院规定的惯例的重要意义。
This kind of complexity and knowledge requirement puts tremendous strain on both the tax authorities and the taxpayers, especially in developing countries where resources tend to be scarce and the appropriate training in such a specialized area is not readily available. 这种复杂性和知识要求给税务机关和纳税人都造成了巨大压力,特别是在发展中国家,那里往往资源很缺,而且在这样一个专业性领域不容易获得适当的培训。
From the early 1990s, MNEs began restructuring to specialize in the areas in which they had competitive advantages, such as unique firm-specific assets, in particular high value intangible assets, and the capabilities that provided the firms with their market position and competitive edge. 从20世纪90年代初开始,跨国公司开始进行重组,以便专门拓展它们具有竞争优势的领域,如独特的企业专有资产,特别是高价值无形资产。跨国企业在这些领域也具有为企业提供市场地位和竞争优势的能力。
Knowledge of international taxation and good judgement is required to select the right areas to focus on and the right cases for an audit, as some transactions are more tax-driven than others. Staff with a background in accounting have, for example, often been regarded as easy to train in this area as they are often enthusiastic about specializing in this field, but similar enthusiasm can be found in those with other skill sets. Others, such as lawyers and economists have special skills in dealing with the often complex law and economics of transfer pricing cases, and one of the challenges in this area is having all those skills working together effectively. 由于某些交易比其他交易更受税收驱动,因此要想选择正确的审计重点领域和正确的审计案例,就得了解国际税收并具备良好判断力。比方说,具有会计背景的工作人员往往被认为在这方面容易培养,因为他们往往热衷于钻研这一领域,但在掌握其他技能组合的人员身上也能找到类似的热情。律师和经济学家等其他人士具备特殊才能,可以处理转让定价案件中通常错综复杂的法律和经济问题,而这方面的挑战之一就是要让掌握所有这些技能的人有效地协同工作。
There are sometimes questions as to whether a group with a specific professional specialization, such as economists, should be distributed within other teams or should comprise, at least in the start-up phase, a separate unit. 有时候会产生这样的疑虑:是否应当在其他团队中安排一个具有特定职业专长的群体,如经济学家,或者至少在创业阶段,是否应该让这样的群体组成一个独立单位。