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单词:repudiate [riˈpju:dieit] v.t. to reject or renounce (a duty or obligation); esp., indicate an intention not to perform (a contract) 拒绝履行(义务),尤其指不履行契约
repudiation [riˌpjuːdiˈeiʃən] n[C,U] A contracting party’s words or actions that indicate an intention not to perform the contract in the future; a threatened breach of contract. 悔约
repudiator [riˈpju:diˌeitə] One who repudiates; esp., a party who repudiates a contract. 悔约人
repudiatee A party to a contract that has been repudiated by the other party. 被悔约人
Each of the events or circumstances set out in the following sub-clauses of this Clause is an Event of Default:
(f) Repudiation
The Borrower repudiates a Finance Document or evidences an intention to repudiate a Finance Document.
(f) 拒绝履行义务
3.A material breach of a treaty, for the purposes of this article, consists in:
(a) a repudiation of the treaty not sanctioned by the present Convention; or
(b) the violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the treaty.
(a) 废弃条约,而此种废弃非本公约所准许者;或
(b) 违反条约规定,而此项规定为达成条约目的或宗旨所必要者。