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单词:render [ˈrɛndə] v.t. ① to cause someone or something to be in a particular state 使…变得/处于某种状态;② 翻译; ③ 给予,提供,表演
The Companies Act 1985, s310 renders void any provision (whether contained in the company's articles or otherwise) exempting or indemnifying any officer of the company from liability for negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust. 《1985年公司法》第310条规定,对于公司任何高级职员的疏忽、失责、违反职责或违背信托行为,免除其责任或对其进行赔偿的条款(无论是否在公司章程中记载)均属无效。
There has been some academic debate concerning the possible civil law consequences of failure to disclose an interest under s 317. Some commentators suggest that failure to comply with the section renders the contract voidable. 关于不根据第317条披露利益可能导致的民事法律后果,发生了一些学术辩论。有些评论人士建议,不遵守该条的规定会使合同无效。
The Company never disclosed the true source of its elevated profit margins and the true nature of the tax-related risks to which it was exposed, as particularized above. This omission rendered each of the following statements a misrepresentation. 上文已经详细说明,公司从未披露它的利润率提高的真实原因和它所承担的涉税风险的真实性质。遗漏这方面的内容使得下列每一项陈述成为虚假陈述。
Wang Ch'ung-hui (1881–1958), a prominent Chinese jurist, diplomat and politician, rendered the German Civil Code into English from its German version. 中国杰出的法学家、外交家和政治家王宠惠(1881–1958)曾将《德国民法典》从德文译成英文。
The Parties hereby agree that any arbitration award rendered in accordance with the provisions of this Clause shall be final and binding upon the Parties concerned, and the Parties further agree that such award may be enforced by any court having jurisdiction over the Party against which the award has been rendered or the assets of such Party, wherever the same may be located. 双方现约定,根据本条的规定作出的任何仲裁裁决即为终局裁决,且对关涉各方具有约束力。双方进一步约定,凡对于已作出的仲裁裁决所针对的当事方或对于该当事方的资产(无论该资产位于何处)具有管辖权的法院可以强制执行该裁决。
The sole ground on which it was sought to render them accountable was that, being directors of the plaintiff company and therefore in a fiduciary relation to it, they entered in the course of their management into a transaction in which they utilised the position and knowledge possessed by them in virtue of their office as directors, and that the transaction resulted in a profit to themselves. 试图使他们承担责任的唯一理由是,他们担任原告公司的董事,因此,与该公司存在信托关系,而他们在管理过程中订立了一项交易,在这项交易中,他们利用了因担任董事职务所拥有的地位和知悉的情况,并且这项交易为他们本人带来了好处。