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单词:ransom [ˈrænsəm] n[C] 赎金;v.t. 赎回
例文:[例5] Charles Lindbergh, famous American aviator, paid the $50,000 ransom demanded by the kidnappers, but sadly his infant son's dead body was found in the nearby woods weeks later. 著名的美国飞行员查尔斯·林德伯格支付了绑匪索要的五万美元赎金,可是很遗憾,几周以后,人们在附近的树林里发现了他的幼儿的尸体。 hold sb/sth for ransom (美式英语) / hold sb/sth to random (英式英语) 为索取赎金而扣押 [例6] This painting had been stolen from a museum and held for ransom, however, thanks to relentless efforts by police, it was recovered safe and sound. 盗贼曾经将这幅画作从博物馆盗走并索要赎金,多亏警方的不懈追查,这幅画作完璧归赵。 hold sb to ransom (英式英语) 要挟 [例7] It is known that politicians with an ulterior motive tend to hold their government to ransom by posting unconfirmed shocking photos. 人们知道,别有用心的政客会发布未经证实的触目惊心的照片,逼本国政府就范。
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