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单词:quorum & quota
索引词:quorum & quota
例文:(1) quorum [ˈkwɔ:rəm] n[C] 法定人数 quorate [ˈkwɔ:reit] adj. 达到法定人数的 [例1] Quorum. The President may declare a meeting open and permit the debate to proceed when at least one third of the members of the Council are present. The presence of a majority of the members shall be required for any decision to be taken. 法定人数。主席在至少有三分之一的理事会成员出席会议的情况下,可宣布会议开始并准许进行辩论。任何决定都要有过半数成员出席会议才能作出。 [例2] No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business and continues to be present until the conclusion of the meeting; save as herein otherwise provided, if the Company has more than one member, two members present in person or by proxy shall be a quorum. If the Company has only one member, one member present in person or by proxy shall be a quorum of a general meeting. 除非在全体会议审议事务时,而且截至会议闭幕,出席全体会议的成员始终达到法定人数,不得在该次全体会议上审议任何事务;除本《公司章程》另有规定的以外,如果公司的成员在一人以上,两名成员亲自或通过代理人出席会议构成法定人数。如果公司仅有一名成员,该名成员亲自或通过代理人出席构成全体会议的法定人数。 [例3] An alternate Director shall not be counted in reckoning the maximum number of the Directors allowed by the Articles of Association for the time being. A Director acting as alternate shall have an additional vote at meetings of Directors for each Director for whom he acts as alternate but he shall count as only one for the purpose of determining whether a quorum be present. 计算《公司章程》允许的董事人数上限,候补董事暂不计入。担任候补董事的董事在董事会会议上为他所代理的每一位董事享有一个额外的表决权,但是在确定出席会议的人是否达到法定人数时,他仅算作一人。 [例4] Where a minimum of two Directors are appointed to the Board, a quorum for the transaction of any and all such business at a meeting of the Directors of the Company shall be two Directors physically present. In counting a quorum, an alternate Director present shall be counted as part of the quorum, but only in the absence of his appointor. Whenever the number of appointed Directors is no greater than one, then a sole Director shall be empowered to exercise all and any such powers of the Company deemed to be vested in the Board of Directors of the Company. Clause 89 of Table A shall be modified accordingly. 倘若被任命为董事会成员的董事最低人数为二人,两名亲自到场的董事即构成在本公司董事会议上处理各种事务的法定人数。在计算法定人数时,应当将到场的候补董事计算在内,但是只有在任命该候补董事的人不在场时该候补董事方可计入法定人数。当被任命董事的人数不超过一人时,那么应当授权唯一的一名董事行使被视为赋予本公司董事会的本公司的一切权力。甲表第89条应作相应修改。
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