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单词:proviso [prəˈvaizəu] (pl. provisos) n[C, formal] 但书;附带条件
《布莱克法律词典》对proviso是这样解释的:A limitation, condition, or stipulation upon whose compliance a legal or formal document’s validity or application may depend. In drafting, a provision that begins with the words provided that and supplies a condition, exception, or addition.
我们可以看出,但书其实就是法律文件中说明例外情形、限制条件的条文,法律文书的适用范围或效力取决于该条文,而以“provided that”开头,表示条件的条文就是但书。
This was a very important proviso because the plaintiff was contractually bound to pay the purchase price to AAA and not to the BBB and CCC. 这是一个非常重要的但书,因为原告人按照契约的规定,有义务向AAA支付购买价款,但是原告人没有义务向BBB和CCC支付购买价款。
The Defence is granted leave to file a response to the Prosecutor’s Response by Wednesday, 10 February 1999, with the proviso that the matters raised are solely by way of reply. 辩方获准在1999年2月10日星期三之前对检方的答复提交答辩,但条件是只能以答辩状的方式提出事项。
注意这个例句中的短语:with the proviso that
provide [prəˈvaid] v.t. ① 提供
这个义项相当于supply。注意短语中使用的介词:provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth
provision [prəˈviʒən] n[C,U] 提供,准备
provider [prəˈvaidə]
The heading of the Memorandum states that the meeting with the XXX representatives was in relation to the provision of management assistance to the JV Company. 《备忘录》的标题指出会见XXX代表团是商讨向合资公司提供管理援助事宜。
The Court may order the applicant or appellant to provide security for the costs of the application or appeal, and may direct that the application or appeal be dismissed if the order is not complied with. 高等法院可以饬令申请人或上诉人为申请或上诉的费用提供担保,如果申请人或上诉人不遵守该命令,高等法院可以指示驳回申请或上诉。
provision [prəˈviʒən] n[C] (法规或契约的)规定,条款
The Court shall not have jurisdiction to confirm, vary, set aside or remit an award on an arbitration agreement except where so provided in this Act. 对于涉及仲裁协议的仲裁裁决,高等法院不享有确认、变更、撤销该裁决或将该裁决发回重审的管辖权,但是本法规定可以确认、变更、撤销或发回重审的除外。
Where any provision in this Act allows the parties to determine any issue, the parties may authorise a third party, including an arbitral institution, to make that determination. 凡本法的条文允许双方当事人就任何争议点作出裁定,则双方当事人可以授权包括仲裁机构在内的第三方就该争议点作出裁定。
This Agreement shall constitute the only and entire agreement between the Parties, and unless otherwise expressly provided for in this Termination Agreement, all other agreements, oral or written, made and entered into between the Parties prior to the execution of this Termination Agreement shall be null and void. 本协议构成双方当事人之间唯一的和完整的合意,除非本协议中另有明示规定,在签署本协议之前缔结和订立的所有其他口头或者书面协议应当无效。
provide against sth 防止,防备
provide for sb 供养,养活
provide for sth 为……做好准备;(法规或契约)规定
make provision for sth 为……做好准备,
make provision against sth 应对,防备
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 人若不看顾亲属、就是背了真道、比不信的人还不好。不看顾自己家里的人、更是如此。 《圣经和合本》
Unless the fees of the arbitral tribunal have been fixed by written agreement or such agreement has provided for determination of the fees by a person or institution agreed to by the parties, any party to the arbitration may require that such fees be taxed by the Registrar of the Supreme Court within the meaning of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap. 322). 除非仲裁庭的酬金已经由书面协议予以确定或者书面协议已经规定由双方当事人认可的个人或机构决定仲裁庭的酬金,仲裁的任何一方当事人均可以要求由《司法系统最高法院法》(第322章)所规定的最高法院司法常务官核定上述酬金。
provision 还有另外的意思需要注意:
provision v.t. 为……提供配给品
provisions [prəˈviʒənz] n[pl] 配给品,给养;准备金
provisional [prəˈviʒənəl] adj 临时的;暂定的
provisional concluding observations 临时结论意见
provisionally [prəˈviʒənəli] adv.