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单词:prosecute [ˈprɒsikju:t] v.t. & v.i. ① v.t. & v.i. to commence and carry out a legal action 起诉
② v.t. & v.i. to institute and pursue a criminal action against (a person) 对……提起刑事检控
③ v.t. (formal) to engage in; carry on 从事,进行
If the plaintiff fails to prosecute or to comply with these rules or a court order, a defendant may move to dismiss the action or any claim against it. 如果原告未提起诉讼或不遵守本规则或法庭命令,被告可以向法庭申请驳回针对被告的诉讼或任何申索。
Ted Bundy was prosecuted in the 1970s for the rape and murder of more than 36 women in several states. 泰德·邦迪因强奸和杀害超过三十六位女性而于二十世纪七十年代在几个州被起诉。
The investigation cannot be prosecuted further owing to undue interference by the Wall Street movers and shakers. 由于华尔街大佬施加了不当干扰,调查工作进行不下去了。