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单词:reactive [riˈæktiv] adj. ① reacting to events or situations rather than starting or doing new things yourself 反应的,回应的; ② a reactive substance changes when it is mixed with another substance 有活性的,起反应的
Unfortunately, the police deal with crimes in a reactive rather than proactive way. 不幸的是,警察应付犯罪的方式只是发生一起调查一起,而不是主动采取对策。
The agreed historical facts are thus: in the early hours of April 26 1986, a botched safety test at the plant’s Reactor Four caused it to become very unstable. Then, a flaw in the reactor’s emergency shutdown system not understood by its operators caused an intense and enormous surge in reactivity. That led to an explosion that blew the 2,000-tonne lid off the reactor vessel, smashed through the roof of the plant, showered the surrounding areas with highly reactive debris and exposed the reactor core and its radioactive contents to the night sky. 于是一致认可了这样的历史事实:1986年4月26日凌晨,核电站四号反应堆的一次拙劣的安全测试导致反应堆变得非常不稳定。然后,反应堆应急停堆系统的一个缺陷(操作人员对这个缺陷摸不着头脑)导致反应性急剧增高,引起了爆炸, 2000吨重的反应堆槽盖被掀飞,穿破了核电站的屋顶,向周边区域喷溅了具有高度反应性的碎屑,反应堆核心及其放射性成分也被暴露在夜空中。
If we want Global Britain to be more than a bumper sticker, we have to match our ambition with action. Ministers need to look decades ahead because that is what other countries are doing. A piecemeal, reactive approach will not do — we need a confident and considered long-term plan. This means a strategy that brings together migration policy with export opportunities, the potential for young Britons to live and study abroad and moves to make it easier for our universities to expand overseas. 如果我们想要寰宇英国具有实实在在的意义,我们就得让行动与抱负相称。大臣们必须为今后几十年做好打算,因为这是其他国家正在做的事情。东一榔头西一棒子、头疼医头脚疼医脚的办法帮不上忙——我们需要一个自信和深思熟虑的长期计划。这意味着采取这样一项策略,也就是将移民政策与出口机会、使英国年轻人在国外生活学习的潜力和促进我国大学向海外拓展的举措结合起来。
The days of the in-house lawyer being a somewhat reactive function have long since passed. We are having ever more complex and external-facing conversations relating to new and emerging technologies. 企业法务的作用有点像来了问题再出手解决,这样的日子早就结束了。我们正在就新技术和新兴技术进行着更加复杂和面向外部的对话。
The biomedical scientist and entrepreneur Craig Venter recently described today’s approach to healthcare as “medieval”. This is not entirely fair; we no longer rely on astrologers for diagnosis or vendors of snake oil for drug discovery. Nevertheless, he makes an important point: we could do much better. More specifically, today’s medical systems are too reactive, when they could be more proactive. 生物医学科学家和企业家克雷格·文特尔不久前称当今的医疗方法“老掉了牙”。这么说不完全公平;我们既不依赖占星术士做诊断,也不仰仗卖蛇油的商贩发现药物。不过,他提出了一个很重要的观点:我们可以做得更好。更具体地说,当今的医疗系统在可以更积极主动的时候却太不被动应付了。