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单词:proscribe [prəʊˈskraib] v.t. to outlaw or prohibit; to forbid 禁止
proscription [prəʊˈskripʃən] n[C,U] ① The act of prohibiting; the state of being prohibited; ② A prohibition or restriction.
proscriptive [prəʊˈskriptiv] adj. 起禁止或取缔作用的
The ban follows a crucial ruling in February by Germany’s top administrative court that cities had the right to proscribe diesel cars as a last resort to prevent air pollution, in a victory for environmental groups. 颁布此项禁令之前,德国最高行政法院在二月份作出一项重要裁决,裁定城市有权将禁止柴油车作为防止空气污染的最后手段,这是环保组织的一场胜利。
While there is an argument for allowing contract law to operate freely, it is difficult to object to the government’s plans to proscribe the sale of leasehold interests in new individual houses. 尽管有人主张允许不加限制地施用合同法,但是要抵制政府禁止出售新建个人房屋的租赁权益的计划却非易事。
Under English insolvency law, which is less proscriptive than Ireland’s new guidelines, “reasonable” day-to-day expenses for bankrupts include holidays, mobile phones and video rentals. 英国破产法不如爱尔兰的新指导原则严厉,根据该法,破产人的“合理”日常开销包括度假、移动电话和视频租金在内。