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单词:prescribe & proscribe
索引词:prescribe & proscribe
例文:(1) prescribe [priˈskraib] v.t. ① to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have 为……开药或开处方:prescribe sb sth, prescribe sth for sth ② to dictate, ordain, or direct; to establish authoritatively (as a rule or guideline) 规定,制定; ③ to claim ownership through prescription 因时效经过而取得所有权 ④ to invalidate or otherwise make unenforceable through prescription 因时效经过而使权利失效或无法强制执行 prescription [priˈskripʃən] ① n[C] 药方,处方;② n[C] 处方上开的药;③ n[C] 秘诀,诀窍;④ n[C,U] 制定,规定;制定或规定的规则;⑤ n[C,U] 因时效经过而取得或消灭(的权利) [例1] The doctor gave him a prescription for antihypertensive drugs. 大夫给他开过降压药。 [例2] The controlled substance may be available on prescription subject to prior approval by relevant authorities. 这种管制物质须事先经相关部门批准后方可凭处方购买。 [例3] To accuse the president of racial discrimination has been her sole prescription for social diseases of today. 她解决当今社会弊病只有一招,就是指责总统种族歧视。 prescriptive [priˈskriptiv] adj. ① saying how something should or must be done, or what should be done 指定的,规定的;② 因时效经过而取得或消灭的 [例4] Prescriptive right is a right obtained by prescription. For example, after a nuisance has been continuously in existence for 20 years, a prescriptive right to continue it is acquired as an easement appurtenant to the land on which it exists. 时效权利是指根据时效获得的权利。例如,一种滋扰在一块土地上连续不断地存在了二十年以后,就取得了以从属于这块土地的地役权形式继续这种滋扰的时效权利。 [例5] Normally, the lease will be fairly prescriptive in this regard, with the insurance proceeds paid into a trust to ensure they are used for their intended purpose. 租约在这方面通常会相当规范,规定将保险收益付给信托,以确保将它们用于原定用途。 prescribed [priˈskraibd] adj. ① 处方上写明的; ② 规定的 [例6] One of the inconvenience of travelling with a tour group is following a prescribed itinerary. 跟团旅行的一个不便之处是按规定行程作息。 [例7] Several prescribed drugs for depression have been abused beyond a certain level. 滥用几种治疗抑郁症的处方药的现象已经比较严重了。
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