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单词:patrol [pəˈtrəʊl] ① v.t. (patrolling, patrolled) 巡逻 ② n[C,U] 巡逻;巡逻的人/飞机、车辆等 例如:patrol officer 巡警;patrol car 巡逻警车
例文:[例1] A security guard, equipped with a pistol and a German shepherd, patrols this upscale community at night. 夜间,有一名配了手枪,牵着一条德国牧羊犬的保安在这个高档小区巡逻。 [例2] The area should be patrolled by gendarmes in order to give adequate protection to law-abiding local residents. 应当让宪兵在这个地方巡逻,以便为遵纪守法的当地居民提供妥善的保护。 [例3] A contingent of armored personnel carriers are on patrol day and night in this most dangerous suburb. 一支装甲车队昼夜在这个最危险的城郊巡逻。
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