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单词:impose [imˈpəʊz] v.t. 强制推行或实施
例文:[例1] A certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the NEB requires the approval of the Governor in Council (that is, the Canadian federal government cabinet). Generally, the NEB will also impose a series of conditions on issuing a certificate, relating to such matters as obtaining all other required federal and provincial approvals and evidence of binding transportation agreements for the proposed pipeline. 国家能源委员会签发的便利公众且为公共利益所必需的证明须经院督(即,加拿大联邦政府内阁)批准。大体上讲,国家能源委员会还将为签发证明规定一系列条件,这些条件涉及诸如取得联邦和省的所有其他必要的批准文件以及出具为拟铺设管道订立有约束力的运输协议的证据。 [例2] Where the law allows for different kinds of punishments to be imposed for conviction of an offence, the Court may, within the limits set by law, impose one or more of the prescribed punishments and determine the amount of each punishment. 凡法律容许一经定罪可处以不同种类的刑罚,法院可以在法律规定的范围内,判处法律订明的一种或多种刑罚并决定每种刑罚的额度。 [例3] Under the Act No. 94/2000, amending the Code of Criminal Procedure, courts may demand that the police impose what is known as a restraining order, involving a prohibition on a person going to a particular place or entering a specific area, or following, visiting or contacting the person protected by the order in any other way. In order for this order to be imposed, there must be reason to believe that the person concerned would commit an offence or in some other way disturb the peace of the other person. 根据第94/2000号法对《刑事诉讼法》的修订,法院可要求警方强制执行限制行动令,包括禁止某人前往特定地点或进入特定区域,或者以任何其他方式跟踪、访问或联系受到限制行动令保护的人。为强制执行此限制行动令,必须有理由相信有关人员会实施犯罪或者以其他方式妨碍另一方。 [例4] In addition to the federal income tax consequences described above, prospective investors should consider potential state, local and foreign tax consequences of an investment in the Fund. A Limited Partner may be subject to other taxes, such as estate, inheritance or intangible property taxes that may be imposed by various jurisdictions. Each prospective Limited Partner should consider the potential consequences of such taxes on an investment in the Fund. 除上文描述的在联邦所得税方面的后果外,潜在投资人应当考虑对本基金进行的投资在州、地方以及外国税收方面有可能产生的后果。有限合伙人可能需要缴纳不同法域课征的其他税金,例如遗产税、继承税或无形财产税。每一位潜在的有限合伙人都应当考虑上述税收对于向本基金进行的投资有可能产生哪些后果。 [例5] OLA supports the Secretariat services that are involved in construction operations, and, in particular, the Office of Central Support Services (OCSS) of the Department of Management. OLA advises them what to do contractually from a practical point of view. The offices away from Headquarters (OAH) consult OLA for any major project. However, the headquarters and OAH do not always comply with all of its suggestions. OLA gives guidance, but cannot impose its suggestions: business people in the field examine the options and make their decisions. The record shows that OLA should be consulted as early as possible, as such consultations normally lead to transparent procurement actions. Most claims occur when OLA has not been involved from the beginning. 法律厅支助参与施工运营的秘书处机构;特别是,法律厅支助管理事务部的中央支助事务厅。法律厅从务实的角度建议这些机构怎样按照合同办事。总部外办事处就重大项目向法律厅咨询。不过,总部和总部外办事处并不总是依从法律厅的一切建议。法律厅提出指导意见,但是不能强迫对方接受它的意见:外勤业务人员审查这些选择方案然后作出他们的决定。记录显示,应当尽早向法律厅咨询,因为向它咨询通常会促成透明的采购行动。大部分申索都是在法律厅没有从一开始就参与的情况下发生的。
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