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单词:facility [fəˈsiliti] n[C] 机构,设施;便利 facility一般意思是设施、场所、机构。在贷融资类法律文件中,facility的意思是提供融资便利的安排,可以根据具体语境,把它翻译成“贷款”或其他名目。
例文:[例6] The Real Estate Property and its facilities are in good condition and repair, and are adequate for the uses to which they are being built, and none of it is in need of maintenance or repairs except for ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs that are not material in nature or cost. 对象公司不动产及其设施状况良好,适合其预定用途,除在性质或者费用方面无关紧要的正常例行维护和修缮外,无须其他维护或者修缮。 [例7] If all the directors of the Corporation consent thereto generally or in respect of a particular meeting, a director may participate in a meeting of the board or of a committee of the board by means of such conference telephone or other communications facility as permit all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other, and a director participating in such a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting. When a meeting is held by conference telephone or other communications facility as aforesaid, the chair of the meeting shall confirm the presence or absence of each director orally and confirm to the other directors present whether or not a quorum has been established. At meetings held by conference telephone or other communications facility as aforesaid, every question shall be decided by an oral poll taken by the chair of the meeting and recorded by the secretary thereof and in the case of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 如果公司的全体董事同意所有会议一律采用会议电话或能够让所有与会者听到对方发言的其他通讯手段举行,或者同意某一次特定会议采用以上方式举行,董事可以借助上述方式参加董事会的会议或者董事会下设委员会的会议,借助上述方法参加会议的董事被视为亲自出席会议。借助前述会议电话或者其他通讯手段举行会议时,会议主席应当以口头方式确认每一位出席或缺席的董事,并且向其他出席会议的董事确认是否达到法定人数。在借助前述会议电话或其他通讯手段举行的会议上,会议主席应当采用口头投票方式决定每一个问题,并由会议书记加以记录,如果赞成与反对的票数相当,会议主席应当进行第二次投票或进行决定性投票。 [例8] Finally, there are fundamental concerns as regards due process, transparency and the proper functioning of the procedures: not only are investment disputes usually conducted behind closed doors (doors also closed to affected stakeholders), but also not all of the arbitration facilities maintain public registries of claims, thus making it virtually impossible to have precise information about the number and nature of ongoing cases (see also UNCTAD 2004b and 2005e). 最后,在正当程序、透明度以及程序的正常运转等方面,也存在一些根本关切。不仅投资争端解决通常不公开进行(对受影响的利益相关者也不公开),而且并非所有的仲裁机构都对诉讼主张保存公开的记录,这使得事实上难以获得有关案件数额和性质的确切信息(又见贸发会议2004b和2005e)。 [例9] This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions upon which the Lender will make available to the Borrower a loan facility of up to USD (the “Facility”). The Facility shall be applied towards general corporate purposes. 贷款人将向借款人提供一笔最高额度为 美元的融通贷款(“融通贷款”)。本协议载明贷款人提供融通贷款所依据的各项条件。融通贷款应当被用于实现一般公司目的。 [例10] "Term Loan Facility Agreement" means the US$ term loan facility agreement signed or to be signed by the Project Company as the borrower, the Company as lender, the Bank as facility agent and security agent and XYZ as the account bank for the granting of the Loan Facility; “《定期贷款安排协议》”是指项目公司、xx公司、xx银行和XYZ签订或者将要签订的额度为 美元的定期贷款安排协议,其中,项目公司作为借款人,xx公司作为贷款人,xx银行作为贷款安排代理人和担保代理人,XYZ作为提供贷款安排的账户银行。
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