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单词:expatriate [ɛksˈpeitriət] n[C] 侨民; adj. 侨居国外的;v.t. 侨居国外
expatriation [eksˌpætriˈeiʃən] n[C,U] 旅居国外
expat [ˌɛksˈpæt] n[C] (informal) = an expatriate
Asian cities now account for eight of the 10 most expensive places for expatriates to live, according to new research, up from seven in 2018. 根据最新研究,在侨民生活成本最高的十个城市中,亚洲城市从2018年的七个增加到如今的八个。
(5) repatriate [ri:ˈpeitrieit] v.t. 遣返,将……遣送回国;将利润、资金调回本国
repatriation [ˌri:pætriˈeiʃən] n[U]
US President has called on America’s allies to repatriate their citizens and try them at home. 美国总统已经呼吁美国的盟国将本国公民遣返并在本国对他们进行审判。
In 2017, the QIA was forced to repatriate more than $20bn in overseas deposits to stabilise the domestic financial sector after Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut diplomatic and transport links with the gas-rich state. 2017年,沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、埃及和巴林切断了它们与这个蕴藏丰富天然气资源的国家的外交和运输联系以后,卡塔尔国家投资公司被迫把逾二百亿美元的海外存款汇回本国,以便稳定国内的金融业。